About Chiquita

Hey there, you found me! Clearly, that means you’re getting married and I absolutely love getting people hitched.

You’re not supposed to have all the answers because either you haven’t been to many weddings, or if you have, you didn’t take notes on what happens during a wedding.

With 17 years experience as a Celebrant creating countless weddings, I have honed my craft. Through meeting you both and soaking up the intricacies of your unique bond, I will devise a ceremony that illuminates your relationship, celebrates your journey and acknowledges your commitment into the future.

When we meet, there’s a lot I will cover and you don’t need to prepare, but you’ll finish our meeting with clear thoughts on where your ceremony is headed.

I will provide you with a few tasks but in the background I’ll be working to create a ceremony that will draw in your guests. I love writing and have always enjoyed communicating on all levels, including through my energy. On the day of your wedding, the tone of your wedding is largely orchestrated by the energy of the Celebrant, and since becoming a Celebrant way back in 2007, I’ve taken those 17 years of marrying people and am completely at ease bringing a sense of calm, grounded warmth to make sure I hit the right notes for your ceremony and that everyone feels part of your day.

I think every Celebrant has a niche, a little style-cleft they sit in, and I absolutely don’t do jokey style weddings because, for me, it feels inauthentic. I’m comfortable treating the ceremony with a bit of reverence, because I enjoy that weddings are one of the last remaining traditional customs we still honour and incorporate in modern living. I don’t want to joke it away into insignificance. I diligently create ceremonies that are light hearted, simple, elegant and actually centred around the couple. I avoid saying things that are ‘padding’ because, to my thinking, that could be a wedding for any two people. I enjoy that each wedding I design is quite different depending on who I’m creating it for.

Noticeably, if the ceremony is truly about you both, this mesmerises your guests, because they know you and love hearing about you!

My dad was raised by English parents and had an extensive vocabulary, which drew me to being brave with a full-ranging vocabulary. I could listen to Stephen Fry or Russell Brand all day long because they include and keep beautiful and interesting words alive. This is absolutely exciting to me. Years ago, I worked for Lex Bell, the former Gold Coast Mayor and one of the most interesting gentlemen. Within the field of law in which we worked, he demonstrated the vastness and power of words, and it gave a layered gravitas to his communication. Before that, in London, I worked for the Knighted Sir Bob Geldof, the man who created Live Aid, uniting famous people to use their celebrity to encourage an end to famine and poverty in Africa with huge charity concerts and the famous song “We are the World”. Bob is the most phenomenal orator – he is both inspiring and considered in his words, but doesn’t need to plan it beforehand. There’s been others who I’ve been lucky to be inspired by, too many to mention, but my love of words and the energy they can impart when used intelligently is the initial spark that led me to become a Celebrant.

Along the way, many wedding planners have booked me for their own weddings which has been such a compliment knowing that they have witnessed countless weddings.

When the wedding season abates, I accept work as an Assistant Director in the feature film industry. My role on set working with cast, director and all departments has crossed over to support my strength as a Celebrant. I am able to see the way your ceremony will be seen, recorded and how it will sound, and can tailor accordingly during the ceremony, if needed. Guests, the bridal party and the other suppliers you hire will be treated with respect and warmth, to ensure that everyone can give their best. I can work with VIPs, crowds, children and animals, no sweat. Here’s my film work resume.

Wedding days are filled to the brim with heightened emotions and I am completely invested in both creating and delivering your ceremony with all the grace and beauty it utterly deserves. I love what I do!

Book an obligation-free Google-Meet with me to feel if I’m the right Celebrant for you, by filling in the contact form.